Welcome sping with a foldable and multifunctional tricycle. Coccolle Spectra will soon become everyone’s favourite because it has a nice, multifunctional and super-foldable design.With the possibility to be used between 1 and 3 years, Coccolle Spectra provides confortable walks due to a generous dimension seat and backseat.Multifunctional, Spectra tricycle provides the posibility to be used with forward and rearfacing the parents, due to a reversible seat that is activated by a single press of a buton.To increase the baby’s confort, to extend the time spent outside, the trycicle, it’s designed to offer a confortable sleeping position both rear and forward facing because the handle bar is offering a bigger degree of tilt.Gifted with a 5 point safety belt, the product offers necesary safety in any stage of it’s use. Easy to asamble, Spectra tricycle dosen’t give a headache to parents and promotes an activ lifestyle, out on fresh air.Due to an easaly foldable system, the product can be taken everywhare because it fits in the smallest storage rooms and in the trunk of a car.The awning of the trycicle provides UV protection, so you can use it in the hottest locations.The free weel function allows the blocking of pedals, so using the product by small kids will not be a problem.For the confort of parents, the auxilary rod is telescopic and the double breake located at the weel level from the back gives an extra sensibility while it stands. As it increases, all the element of the tricycle are removable so that finally the product can be used as a classical trycicle with pedals, seat and handle bar.
Product code : 320012SB
- Easy and quiq assambly - Easily foldable as it results a compact product, storable anywhare - Reversible seat thst offers sleeping position facing the parent and also forward facing - Gifted with rubber EVA weels with proper suportability and durability for a long use - Multifunctional: it can be used from 1 to 3 years - XXL awning with UV protection - Seat muff, quilted backseat suited for extra confort - Equiped with a 5 point safetybelt - Removable element(awning, protection ring, leg support) to realize a classic trycicle usable by older kids - Auxilary rod for parents and double ergonomic breaks